Post # 38


H is for humunculous of hope, a diminutive human, historically most often associated with alchemy and Paracelsus. Frankenstein seems an apt allegory for a phallocentric hierarchy species imperative––the creation of an horrific category of universal human. And yet we hope for a revitalised ‘inner person,’ who affirmatively reforges planetary being. In Women Who Run with the Wolves Clarisa Pincola Estes writes: ‘The doll is the symbolic homunculi, little life. It is the symbol of what lies buried in humans that is numinous. It is a small and glowing facsimile of the original self. Superficially, it is just a doll. But, inversely, it represents a little piece of soul that carries all the knowledge of the larger soul self. In the doll is the voice, in diminutive, of the old La Que Sabe, The One Who Knows’ (Estes,1992: 65).

Boundary Speak (Diaries 2013-2021) centrally focuses on reportage of my life’s happenings, notes on readings, phantasms or wild forays, riffs off music or footnotes from poems that take me on a strange journey and thought fragments. My outsider artwork is focal on my Re-learn your Alphabet for the Twenty-First Century drawings (some of which are collaborations with my children), my robot series, as well as many other drawings undertaken over the period 2013-2021.