Post # 27


Unsent letter to S. Now I’ve seen you at the worlds end post––what hope do I hold for you now? What fate awaits your lifeless face? In the hospital today bereft as we sat together: mother, daughter, brother. Awkward. Dissolute. Separate. Worlds apart in feeling. We cut your hair––tried our hands at neatening you up. We talked a bit about the particulars of hospital life––day leave, walking around the field, cigarette prices and your ex-roommate who bullied you. Lots in the public system through non-compliance. Not ‘managing’ your illness with medication, regular psychiatric sessions, exercise and so it goes. I do not think you are a victim. But, I despair. And I love you––forever.

Boundary Speak (Diaries 2013-2021) centrally focuses on reportage of my life’s happenings, notes on readings, phantasms or wild forays, riffs off music or footnotes from poems that take me on a strange journey, ruminations and thought fragments. My outsider artwork is focal on my Re-learn your Alphabet for the Twenty-First Century drawings (some of which are collaborations with my children), my robot series, as well as many other drawings undertaken over the period 2013-2021.